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Useful Formulas & Functions - Microsoft® Office Excel® 2007 & 2010

Course Content

Module 1: Making Data Work For You

This module explains how to understand and apply Excel basic formulas and functions.
Formula basics
Using cell references
Copy formula without changing cell reference
Transpose formula
Using nested functions

Module 2: Statistical and Logical Functions

This module explains how to use logical functions including CountIf, Sumif, If, IsError.
Perform calculation using CountIF
Perform calculation using SumIF
Perform calculation using AverageA
Using IF function to prevent division by zero
Using IsError function to avoid error display
Creating multiple conditions using nested IF
Using logical function OR, And

Module 3: Lookup and Reference Formulas

This module explains how to apply and use lookup formulas including vlookup, hlookup, match and index.
Using Vlookup to find specific data
Using Hlookup to find values in rows
Using Match and Index to retrieve data

Module 4: Text Formulas

This module explains how to apply Text formula to help change casing of text, append text and numerical value in excel spreadsheet.
Changing case of text
Append text and numerical value
Convert imported text format into numbers
Break imported date field into individual columns
Convert imported text format into numbers
Break imported date field into individual columns

Module 5: Date and Time Formulas

This module explains how to make use of calculate the difference of two given Date fields and to perform calculation with Time fields.
Perform addition to Date fields
Calculate difference between two Dates
Perform calculations with Time fields

Module 6: Array and Database Functions

This module explains how to apply and use advance formula including Array, Frequency and Database functions.
Using Array Formulas
Calculate the difference between Maximum and Minimum values
Using Frequency function to Count responses
Using Database functions DSum and DCount

Module 7: Efficiency Tips

This module discusses some useful Excel Tips including application of Data Validations and Auditing Tools.
Shortening worksheets names
Protecting cells containing formulas
Using Data Validation
Displaying Formula syntax
Using Auditing Tools for errors checking
Tracing precedent and dependent
Adding comments to worksheet